Saturday, March 12, 2011

Como se dice don't throw flour at me?

It’s been a full week for me here in Xela. It’s my second to last week of Spanish class. I have a new teacher this week named Luis who is exceptional. He is one exam away from becoming a lawyer with a focus in family law. He comes from an indigenous community outside of the city and has lot to share about his country. He also likes going on “field trips” around the city during class which makes it interesting.
On Tuesday, I went to a nearby town with Carmen, the social worker, and Ali, another volunteer. We met with 8 women whose kids are scholarship recipients. Ali and I led a little discussion on self-esteem and did a couple activities with them. They were very receptive to us gringas coming into their home. They even cooked us some higote as a way of saying thanks. Being a part of the social work program has allowed me to enter into the culture in a way that I would never have been able to by myself.
That evening was Carnaval, the only day of the year when it is perfectly acceptable to throw eggs and flour at total strangers. I myself fell victim to such devious acts. Gringos seem to be a favorite target for packs of middle school boys eager to launch their homemade ammo at innocent passerbys. I suppose it builds solidarity among them. As I walked home from Tuesday’s conference that evening with a few other students I knew we were in trouble when I heard “Gringos! Gringos! Vaya!”…seconds later I was covered in flour.
Wednesday and Thursday were my first stove construction days which took place at two different homes out in a rural area beyond the city. The efficient, safe stoves that the Pop-wuj constructs are built in three phases, one day for each phase. There are several stoves in the process of being made at any given time. The person who leads the stove construction is Doña Leti. She is an impressive lady. She can out work anybody, all the while wearing her traditional indigenous dress with Domingo, her one year old,  wrapped on her back.
This evening a group of crazy gringos and I are going to hike up the tallest volcano in Central America. We should make it to the top by sunrise. Hopefully we will live to tell the tale. Hehe!
hasta luego,

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Covered with flour!! Did it turn to paste when you had to wash it out of your hair?
    What is hi-goat? (okay, what is it and how to do really say it!)
    Let us know about the volcano hike!
    James and I got up at 3 a.m. when we were in Maui to go to the top of Mt. Haleakala for the incredible sunrise there. I hope your visit is as awesome!
